
Product attributes (characteristics, properties, options)

  • 46626

Product attributes allow you to describe the functionality of the product. For example "Screen di...

Website text generator

  • 33927

The text generator will allow you to dynamically generate a text for each category and products o...

SEO URL Generator

  • 24334

The SEO URL generator allows you to create link names in latin based on the names of elements.For...

How to delete all categories and products

  • 28745

To delete all categories and products located in the base catalog, open the category directory, s...

How to create an additional field in the base product catalog

  • 36151

Quite often, you need to create individual fields for products and store different values in them...

How to find duplicate products in the catalog (same products)

  • 44259

To generate a report with identical products (duplicates), select this menu item An XLSX file wi...

Creation of sets of goods (sets)

  • 5833

Creating product sets (sets) allows you to get a complex offer from related products, with the ab...

How to create a basic catalog of online store products based on products from the Excel price list

  • 4115

There are two lists of products in the Elbuz online store automation program.These are your produ...

How to compare categories and characteristics of rozetka, prom, tui, satu marketplaces, linking, matching

  • 2851

Many marketplaces offer to link your products to their category structure so that you can quickly...

Translation of values into other languages using the Google Translate API

  • 4838

For bulk translation of category names, products, attributes, attribute values, descriptions and ...

How to disable product updates (manual update)

  • 2007

If for some reason you do not need to update the product based on products from the price lists o...

How to add unique texts to an online store website using the ChatGPT artificial intelligence generator

  • 3700

The text generator using ChatGPT 3.5 and ChatGPT 4 artificial intelligence is a powerful tool in ...