
Price comparison in MS Excel using the Elbuz PriceList Importer program

  • 25989

MS Excel is a powerful tool in itself, which has proven its usefulness in business organization, ...

Standard errors in the product card

  • 69702

A product card is a conversion page of an online store. It serves to drive targeted traffic to th...

Testing the speed of processing price lists (prices) by the Elbuz PriceList Importer program

  • 50305

The program analyzer of price lists (prices) Elbuz PriceList Importer in the process of commercia...

Three features of online business

  • 55633

Business and earnings on the Internet today do not look like something new or unusual. Probably e...

Online store losses

  • 36546

When creating an online store, its owner seeks to do everything in order to increase the efficien...

Unique codes (ID) for categories, products and manufacturers in a modern online store

  • 52781

In a standard online store, as in any other modern accounting system, there are categories, produ...

Faceted method for classifying goods in an online store

  • 50513

Facet classification is a set of descriptions of the same object according to its parameters and ...

Product filter in the online store: "Accelerator" for buyers!

  • 72458

They say that for every product there is always a buyer. But what if you have a lot of different ...

Functionality of Elbuz Cart (Elbuz Shop)

  • 17264

general information You should immediately know that the free Elbuz Cart (Elbuz Shop) online stor...

Do you want to know how parsing and adding descriptions to the products of an online store works?

  • 10366

If you are on this page, then you are familiar with the problem of creating content (technical de...

Business Process Automation Program

  • 42537

Automation of business processes will significantly reduce waste, increase the quality of the wor...

The program for keeping records of goods and orders in the online store

  • 32962

  Accounting system Elbuz The Elbuz system deserves special attention - it is a new word in t...