Poe: Chat with multiple AI bots for a revolutionary communication experience
The Poe platform has introduced a new “multi-bot chat” service that allows users to interact with different AI models simultaneously. The company also launched a market for bot creators and announced a corporate tariff.
Multibot Poe
Conversation with multiple bots
Poe was the first service to offer the ability to communicate with different AI models in one dialogue. Users can use specialized bots for different purposes, such as GPT-4 for analysis, Claude for writing texts, and DALL-E 3 for generating images. The system itself suggests which assistants will cope better with a particular task.
Monetization for creators
To stimulate the development of the bot market, Poe has introduced monetization tools for developers . Now they can set the price for their assistants' messages and receive a share of the revenue from subscriptions. Analytics will allow you to optimize pricing based on usage data. The company expects that a community of professional engineers and bot creators will be formed on the platform.
Enterprise Solutions
In addition to consumer services, Poe plans to launch an enterprise plan. Companies will be able to purchase a subscription and provide employees with access to the platform. This will allow experimentation with combining different AI models to implement business problems and create specialized applications.
- Poe is an AI chatbot platform that provides access to a variety of AI models.
- GPT-4 is a powerful language model from OpenAI capable of human-level understanding and text generation.
- Claude is a conversion AI model from Anthropic, focused on ethical behavior and creative tasks.
- DALL-E 3 - a system for generating images from text descriptions from OpenAI.
- Tweet about the launch of the "chat with multiple bots" feature
- Tweet about the "multi-bot chat" feature
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Answers to questions
How will this equipment help improve productivity?
What are the main benefits of using this product?
How safe is this equipment for personnel?
What are the main characteristics and technical parameters of the device?
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Discussion of the topic – Poe: Chat with multiple AI bots for a revolutionary communication experience
Poe, an innovator in AI-powered conversational interfaces, recently raised $75 million in funding to develop its revolutionary multi-bot chat feature. This feature allows users to simultaneously interact with multiple AI models in a single conversation thread, opening up new opportunities for creative collaboration and complex problem solving.
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Voh takoe krasivoe 💥 Vot eto da, nahali ISI mogut vesti dialogue vmeste! Simply objedinilos luchshee iz raznyh chatbotov-naverno, ih sovetuet ispol'zovat' vmeste! Hotelos' by uznat', kak rasschityvajutsja ceny 💸 i kak mog by ja zapuskat' svoih botov s monetizaciej.
I agree with you! Podozrevaju, what monetizacija i mashinnoe obuchenie botov will be ser'eznym biznesom v blizhajshie gody 🤑. Nado prismotret'sja k Poe i vozmozhnosti sozdavat' svoi raznovidnosti chatbotov ili nastroit' ih dlja korporativnogo polzovanija. Interesting, smozhem li my sozdavat' boty dlja kreativnyh i izyskannyh zadach 🎨️?
🔥 Predstav'te, what bylo by, esli by bol'shinstvo iz nas stali sozdateljami chatbotov dlja svoih uvelichenij?! Vot eto byl by koshemar po privatnosti i bezopasnosti dannyh 😱 Nado sdelat' proverki i trebovanija, chtoby ne vozniklo problem v budushhem!
Oh moj bog, smotrite vse eti novye vozmozhnosti. 👀 Ja uzhe vizhualiziruju, kak chataju vmeste s botami razrabotki, sovmeshhenija, pis'ma i marketinga. Nastojashhee vremjasberezhenije! 🕰️ No mne interesno, how oni obedinenili eti modeli vmeste, why oni ponimali kontekst drug druga...🤔
☠️ Vy vse zhdete vtorogo prishestija ISI, no eti feeriki budut stoil' dlja firmennogo pol'zovanija? Ne prevratitsja li eto v pompu i ocherednuju tupu zatratnost' tipa Metaversa? Obychnye ljudi edva mogut pozvolit' sebe pokupki v supermarkete, ne to chto chitati vmeste s botom stoimost'ju 1000$ 💀
O Vil'gel'm, ne bud' takim cherstvym! 🥲 What, esli eto otkroet nam vozmoznosti poluchit' dostup k resursam ISI cheap? Raz est' monetizacija, sovremennye kompanii smogut razmestit' svoi reshenija botov. Yes, verojatnee vsego budet rozhdeno neskol'ko novyh problem s bezopasnost'ju i privatnost'ju, no my takzhe mozhim rassmotret' potencial dlya obrazovanija i kredita!
Zagadochno, kak vse eti raznye resursy ISI budut sinhronizirovany vmeste. 🧐 Ved' odna model' mozhet protivorechit' drugoj ili pereopredelit' drugie vyvody. Dumaete, oni sinhronizirovany po kontekstu ili poprostu soedinjajutsja vse otdel'nye otvety? Eto dolzhno bylo byt' udivitel'noe behavior!
Som každá novinka investicii vo veľmi inteligentný robot bude určite vzrušujúce! 🤖 Iskrene dúfam, že ubudnú pracovného prostredia, ktore sú pre ľudí nebezpečné, ako sú jaderné elektrárne alebo vojenský priemysel. Teraz si však musím prečítať o tom, ako môžeme využívať systém pre individuálnych spotrebiteľov 👩💻
Aspetta un attimo, vedo un enorme potenziale in questo per le startup! 💡 Se un singolo fondatore può semplicemente chattare con tutti i tipi di modelli AI esperte su qualsiasi argomento, possono progettare e costruire prodotti molto più velocemente. Queste funzionalità multi-chat rivoluzionano il modo in cui si sviluppano le idee! 🚀
To świetnie, że takie narzędzia wchodzą na rynek! 🙌 Podoba mi się pomysł monetyzowania modeli botów, ponieważ może to zachęcić więcej twórców do rozwijania swoich umiejętności. Z drugiej strony obawiam się, że może to zwiększyć nierówności jeśli dojdzie do wysokich opłat dostępowych. Mam nadzieję, że znajdą zdrową równowagę.