
Currencies and rates

  • 64344

The "Currencies and rates" directory is intended for storing a list of currencies and their rates...


  • 14495

The directory "Categories of goods" stores a list of used categories of goods. A product category...


  • 55062

Directory "Manufacturers of goods" stores information about the names of manufacturers of goods. ...

Availability statuses

  • 9657

Availability statuses


  • 13331

Elbuz supports the maintenance of a product catalog in several languages in order to create multi...


  • 9329

If you need multi-user access to Elbuz, that is, the need to work in the system for several users...

Grid display view with elements

  • 46976

To open the grid settings, open the menu (on the example of the "Price lists" subsystem) You can...

Selection of elements based on preset filters

  • 39393

You can create ready-made filters to select the product you need or other elements (for example, ...


  • 43980

Using the "Articles" subsystem allows you to create information pages in the online store for var...