
Loading goods from the 1C program through the CommerceML format

  • 31520

Description of the CommerceML format on the 1C site - go. To load data, select the section "Oper...

Loading goods from MySklad via API

  • 48248

To load data, select the section "Operations" - "Download data". Select data format MyStorage (A...

Downloading a product catalog via Elbuz HTTP Tunnel for self-written CMS (SQL queries)

  • 55864

The Elbuz HTTP Tunnel integration module is an application designed for the simple interaction of...

Bulk upload of product cards to an online store on Tilda

  • 101504

The Tilda website builder is one of the simplest and most affordable, which is why it is often us...

Downloading products from the Rozetka marketplace

  • 4171

Loading products from the Rozetka marketplace into the Elbuz automation program is possible from ...