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Test on liability for incorrectly paid ZUS contributions in Poland


10 unique ideas for business in Poland without large investments

Have you ever wanted to start your own business, but were stuck on the idea of a huge financial i...

Business immigration to Poland: opening a company and obtaining a residence permit

You don't have to win the lottery to get what you want. There is no need to fill out long forms a...

Unemployment benefits in Poland for entrepreneurs: your rights and opportunities

Imagine this: you start your entrepreneurial journey in Poland, full of determination and enthusi...

Dropshipping in Poland: how to find reliable suppliers

Dropshipping in Poland: you can’t even imagine how many opportunities are hidden behind these two...

Electronic delivery via e-Doręczenie in Poland: advantages and opportunities

You've never heard of this before. There is a serial letter killer in the heart of Poland. This m...

Ukrainian Embassy in Poland: important information and contacts

Ukrainian Embassy in Poland: history, activities and important contacts. What's happened? How wil...

Monthly calendar of activities for an entrepreneur in Poland: tax obligations and other important deadlines

Constant rhythm, continuous movement forward - such is the life of an entrepreneur. Month after m...

Estoński CIT 2.0: Innovative taxation system in Poland

A new tax system has appeared in Poland. This is not just another modification or update - it is ...

Obtaining a European NIP: A Detailed Guide for Successful Entrepreneurs

Do you know who has the secret to successful business in Europe? This is a European NPC that few ...

Removing a Member from an LLC in Poland: Steps, Tips and Practical Guide

Take a look at what they do. Look at what you're missing. Here they are, your rivals, members of ...

Family foundations: how they help in organizing and managing family businesses

The event that changed everything. A few words, a few actions, and family life will never be the ...

Fines for non-payment of taxes in Poland: consequences and advice

Fine for non-payment of taxes in Poland: an explanation in just one sentence - what happens next?...