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All about launching a customer lending system for an online store


How to increase conversion: A set of ways to motivate customers to register on your site

Have you ever thought that a simple set of numbers and letters could be the key to your success? ...

How to become a master of communicating on the phone with online store customers

Imagine the situation: your phone rings, and on the other end of the line is a potential client o...

Trust Triggers: How to Increase Trust in Your Online Store

How to make your online store a favorite shopping destination for visitors in a matter of seconds...

Learn to politely refuse customers and maintain their loyalty!

What to do when a client is unhappy? If only you knew how many businesses collapse due to an ill-...

How to effectively attract customers to your pickup point?

Every day a new pick-up point (POP) opens in the city, but only a few of them become a magnet for...

Top 17 effective ways to deal with customer objections

"A customer once told me that our product was too expensive. But instead of losing a sale, I used...

Effective methods of working with customers who are afraid of online shopping

They opened the website, but they don’t dare to click “buy”... They are afraid that the product w...

Placing an order: What are the advantages of the shopping cart and “Buy in 1 click”?

A buyer has visited your online store website and wants to buy the desired item, but doesn’t know...

Effective work with VIP clients: rules and tips for managers

Have you ever felt a shiver when you walk into a luxury boutique? This is an unusual feeling when...

What is relationship marketing and how is it transforming online business?

Think about it: how often do you return to a store where they know you by name and remember what ...