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Effective monitoring of reviews in geoservices and directories


How perfectionism is ruining your business

One insignificant touch, an extra critical glance - and you are already losing precious time. But...

Selected techniques for successful product presentation

How to increase sales of your product? How to attract the attention of potential buyers? Seven ef...

Best Practices for Working with Freelancers: Your Complete Guide

Everyone knows how important properly structured work processes are, but what to do if your succe...

How to come up with an original article for a product and attract attention

Creating a unique and attractive SKU for a product is like magic. Every letter, every number, eve...

How to Transform Sales with Alternative Questions

Have you ever wondered what secrets are hidden in words? What magic can be hidden in a few letter...

Effective business plan for an online store

A business plan for online stores is their integral part, a sales generator. Having a beautifully...

Secrets of selling boring products: How to make them desirable

Try selling an ordinary lamp - and immediately feel how difficult it is... Why do some products m...

Innovative approaches to working with online store suppliers

Effective supplier management strategies for online retailers are the secret key that opens the d...

Mysterious cases of identifying scammers in an online store

Shopping list, burning license with hologram, active payment card... We have always had many ways...

Unlock the secrets of moving from paid traffic to organic sales!

Think about it: what to do when advertising no longer brings what you want? Every business faces ...

7 Effective Methods to Create a Strong Brand for Your Online Store

Building a strong online store brand is one of the most important tasks for a successful online b...

9 Ways to Reduce Costs in an Online Store and Increase Revenue

Every morning Alexey opened the door of his online store with the same thought: “How to reduce co...