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Master of Client Motivation: How to Increase Sales and Attract Buyers


Tips and techniques for successful public speaking

A pounding heart, trembling hands, dry lips... Who doesn't know that feeling of horror before goi...

How to communicate competently with clients on social networks: tips and life hacks

Clients on social networks are not just users, but real treasures for business. How to keep their...

An effective guide to preparing your online store for the holidays

Holidays are on the horizon. Is your online store ready for an influx of customers? This question...

The Best Tactics and Strategies for Selling to Generation Z

The first thing you'll notice about Gen Z's online behavior is that they are extremely knowledgea...

Effective communication with customers on marketplaces: tips and mistakes

Agree, there is nothing worse than losing clients due to poor communication. When every word can ...

7 Basic principles for organizing effective customer support in an online store

Have you ever wondered why some online stores are thriving while others struggle to make ends mee...

How to effectively deal with problem customers in online stores?

He shouted, demanding an immediate decision. Your heart is beating faster, your hands are shaking...