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Google Analytics 4: a new version of site analytics with powerful features

  • 2200

Google Analytics 4: incredible performance in one tool. Open the door to the world of analytics a...

Online store analytics: main indicators and services to increase sales

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The store shook. Something unusual was happening. It was clear that a turn had taken place, but n...

Calculating the effectiveness of online store advertising: methods and tools

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How to find out how effective your online store advertising is? ROI and ROAS of the campaign - th...

What is margin and how to increase profits?

  • 4335

That's enough! All this time you have stubbornly ignored our requests and suggestions. But now we...

A complete guide to using and creating UTM tags

This is a success story that began with the first clicks on the landing page... How to measure ev...

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  • 138

  • 163

Why and how to track leads from advertising your online store?

When was the last time you lost a potential client due to lack of information? This feeling is pr...

  • 165

How can call tracking help your online store?

How would you react if your online store could itself track and analyze every incoming call from ...

Best Competitive Analysis Techniques for Your Business Success

Imagine: your business is growing, competitors are closing in on your heels, and it seems that ev...