To create a template for uploading to the site via the Elbuz Tunnel integration module, open the "Download product catalog" window by clicking on the shortcut on the desktop
or by selecting a menu item
then press "+" and select the format "Elbuz Tunnel"
After creating the download template, you can switch to edit mode by clicking on the "Pencil" button.
If you have not previously installed the Elbuz Tunnel module on your hosting, then this must be done according to these instructions (up to the point of downloading data).
Select "Manual Mode (SQL)", configure access to the site and the site database
Next, open the site update section based on SQL queries
Example of updating a site based on CMS OpenCart
Add uuid fields once for site database tables to store ID from Jumper
ALTER TABLE oc_category ADD uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, ADD INDEX (uuid);;;
ALTER TABLE oc_product ADD uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, ADD INDEX (uuid);;;
ALTER TABLE oc_manufacturer ADD uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, ADD INDEX (uuid);;;
ALTER TABLE oc_attribute ADD uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, ADD INDEX (uuid);;;
ALTER TABLE oc_attribute_group ADD uuid VARCHAR(36) NOT NULL, ADD INDEX (uuid);;;
Update the identifier in the uuid field based on the site database tables
UPDATE oc_category SET uuid=category_id WHERE uuid='';;;
UPDATE oc_product SET uuid=product_id WHERE uuid='';;;
UPDATE oc_manufacturer SET uuid=manufacturer_id WHERE uuid='';;;
UPDATE oc_attribute SET uuid=attribute_id WHERE uuid='';;;
Note the records in the temporary tables of Elbuz, which are in the database of the site
UPDATE etrade_category_temp etrade_temp, oc_category c SET etrade_temp. category_id = c. category_id WHERE etrade_temp. uuid = c. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_category_temp etrade_temp, oc_category c SET etrade_temp. parent_id = c. category_id WHERE etrade_temp. uuid_parent = c. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_category_temp SET row_exist = 1 WHERE category_id>0;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_temp etrade_temp, oc_product p SET etrade_temp. product_id = p. product_id WHERE etrade_temp. uuid = p. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_to_category_temp etrade_temp, oc_product p SET etrade_temp. product_id = p. product_id WHERE etrade_temp. product_uuid = p. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_to_category_temp etrade_temp, oc_category c SET etrade_temp. category_id = c. category_id WHERE etrade_temp. category_uuid = c. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_temp etrade_temp, oc_category c SET etrade_temp. category_id = c. category_id WHERE etrade_temp. category_uuid = c. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_temp etrade_temp, oc_manufacturer m SET etrade_temp. manufacturer_id = m. manufacturer_id WHERE etrade_temp. manufacturer_uuid = m. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_temp SET row_exist = 1 WHERE product_id>0;;;
UPDATE etrade_manufacturer_temp etrade_temp, oc_manufacturer m SET etrade_temp. manufacturer_id = m. manufacturer_id WHERE etrade_temp. uuid = m. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_manufacturer_temp SET row_exist = 1 WHERE manufacturer_id>0;;;
Attributes and values
UPDATE etrade_attribute_block_temp etrade_temp, oc_attribute_group ag SET etrade_temp. attribute_block_id = ag. attribute_group_id WHERE etrade_temp. uuid = ag. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_attribute_temp etrade_temp, oc_attribute a SET etrade_temp. attribute_id = a. attribute_id WHERE etrade_temp. uuid = a. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_attribute_temp etrade_temp, oc_attribute_group ag SET etrade_temp. attribute_block_id = ag. attribute_group_id WHERE etrade_temp. block_uuid = ag. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_attribute_temp etrade_temp, oc_attribute a SET etrade_temp. attribute_id = a. attribute_id WHERE etrade_temp. attribute_uuid = a. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_attribute_temp etrade_temp, oc_product p SET etrade_temp. product_id = p. product_id WHERE etrade_temp. product_uuid = p. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_attribute_block_temp SET row_exist = 1 WHERE attribute_block_id>0;;;
UPDATE etrade_attribute_temp SET row_exist = 1 WHERE attribute_id>0;;;
SQL queries for inserting and updating records in the site database
UPDATE oc_category, etrade_category_temp etrade_temp
SET oc_category. date_modified = NOW(), oc_category. sort_order = etrade_temp. sort_order, oc_category. status = etrade_temp. status
WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 1 AND etrade_temp. category_id = oc_category. category_id;;;
UPDATE oc_category_description, etrade_category_temp etrade_temp
SET oc_category_description. name = etrade_temp. name
WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 1 AND etrade_temp. category_id = oc_category_description. category_id AND oc_category_description. language_id = 1;;;
UPDATE oc_manufacturer, etrade_manufacturer_temp etrade_temp
SET oc_manufacturer. name = etrade_temp. name
WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 1 AND etrade_temp. manufacturer_id = oc_manufacturer. manufacturer_id;;;
UPDATE oc_product, etrade_product_temp etrade_temp
SET oc_product. date_modified = NOW(), oc_product. manufacturer_id = etrade_temp. manufacturer_id, oc_product. model = etrade_temp. model, oc_product. sku = etrade_temp. mpn, oc_product. price = etrade_temp. price, oc_product. quantity = etrade_temp. quantity, oc_product. status = etrade_temp. status, oc_product. weight = etrade_temp. weight
WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 1 AND etrade_temp. product_id = oc_product. product_id AND etrade_temp. type_id=1;;;
UPDATE oc_product_description, etrade_product_temp etrade_temp
SET oc_product_description. name = etrade_temp. name
WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 1 AND etrade_temp. product_id = oc_product_description. product_id AND etrade_temp. type_id = 1 AND oc_product_description. language_id = 1;;;
INSERT INTO oc_category (date_added, sort_order, status, uuid)
SELECT NOW() as `date_added`, sort_order, status, uuid
FROM etrade_category_temp
WHERE row_exist = 0
GROUP BY uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_category_temp etrade_temp, oc_category site_table SET etrade_temp. category_id = site_table. category_id WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 0 AND etrade_temp. uuid = site_table. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_category_temp, (SELECT category_id, uuid FROM etrade_category_temp) as t2 SET etrade_category_temp. parent_id = t2. category_id WHERE t2. uuid = etrade_category_temp. uuid_parent;;;
UPDATE etrade_category_temp, oc_category site_table SET site_table. parent_id = etrade_category_temp. parent_id WHERE site_table. uuid = etrade_category_temp. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_temp etrade_temp, oc_category site_table SET etrade_temp. category_id = site_table. category_id WHERE etrade_temp. category_uuid = site_table. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_to_category_temp etrade_temp, oc_category site_table SET etrade_temp. category_id = site_table. category_id WHERE etrade_temp. category_uuid = site_table. uuid;;;
INSERT INTO oc_category_description (category_id, description, language_id, meta_description, meta_keyword, name)
SELECT category_id, description_short, 1 as language_id, meta_description, meta_keyword, name
FROM etrade_category_temp
WHERE row_exist = 0;;;
INSERT INTO oc_manufacturer (name, uuid)
SELECT name, uuid
FROM etrade_manufacturer_temp
WHERE row_exist = 0
GROUP BY uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_manufacturer_temp etrade_temp, oc_manufacturer site_table SET etrade_temp. manufacturer_id = site_table. manufacturer_id WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 0 AND etrade_temp. uuid = site_table. uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_temp etrade_temp, oc_manufacturer site_table SET etrade_temp. manufacturer_id = site_table. manufacturer_id WHERE etrade_temp. manufacturer_uuid = site_table. uuid;;;
INSERT INTO oc_product (date_added, date_available, manufacturer_id, model, sku, price, quantity, status, uuid, weight)
SELECT NOW() as `date_added`, NOW() as `date_available`, manufacturer_id, model, mpn, price, quantity, status, uuid, weight
FROM etrade_product_temp
WHERE row_exist = 0 AND etrade_product_temp. type_id=1
GROUP BY uuid;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_temp etrade_temp, oc_product site_table SET etrade_temp. product_id = site_table. product_id WHERE etrade_temp. row_exist = 0 AND etrade_temp. uuid = site_table. uuid AND etrade_temp. type_id=1;;;
UPDATE etrade_product_to_category_temp etrade_temp, oc_product site_table SET etrade_temp. product_id = site_table. product_id WHERE etrade_temp. product_uuid = site_table. uuid;;;
<code>UPDATE etrade_image_temp etrade_temp, oc_product site_table SET etrade_temp. item_id = site_table. product_id WHERE etrade_temp. row_type="product" AND etrade_temp. item_uuid = site_table. uuid;;;
INSERT INTO oc_product_description (description, language_id, meta_description, meta_keyword, name, product_id)
SELECT description_full, 1 as language_id, meta_description, meta_keyword, name, product_id
FROM etrade_product_temp
WHERE row_exist = 0 AND etrade_product_temp. type_id=1;;;
UPDATE etrade_image_temp etrade_temp, oc_product site_table
SET site_table. image = etrade_temp. image
WHERE etrade_temp. row_type = "product" AND
etrade_temp. item_id = site_table. product_id;;;
Description of temporary tables and fields created when updating the site
Field name | Description |
currency_id | Currency ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier |
code | Currency code |
name | Currency name |
rate | Exchange rate |
is_default | The flag is the default currency |
Field name | Description |
language_id | Language ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier |
code | Language code |
name | The name of the language |
is_default | Default language |
code_from_site | Language code downloaded from the site |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
contractor_id | Counterparty ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier |
group_name | Name of the group of contractors |
name | Name of the counterparty |
status | Activity |
county | Country |
city | The city |
address | Address |
address_law | Legal address |
phones | Phone |
url | Link to the site |
email | Email mail |
contact_person | Contact person |
description | Note |
sort_order | Sort order |
| Then there may be user-created fields |
Field name | Description |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier |
code | Code |
name | Name |
is_base_unit | The flag is the base unit |
status | Activity |
unit_name | Name |
unit_name_alias | The name is synonymous |
unit_name_local | The name is local |
type | Type |
odds | Conversion factor |
Field name | Description |
store_id | Store ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier |
name | Store name |
is_default | The flag is the default |
url | Link to the site |
Field name | Description |
warehouse_id | Warehouse ID |
store_id | Store ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of a warehouse |
name | The name of the warehouse |
is_default | The flag is the default |
store_uuid | Unique symbolic store identifier |
description | Note |
c_latitude | Coordinate latitude |
c_longitude | The longitude coordinate |
sort_order | Sort order |
is_virtual | The flag is a virtual warehouse |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
category_id | Category ID |
parent_id | Parent category ID |
language_id | Language ID |
name | Category name |
status | Activity |
image | Link to the picture |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the category |
uuid_parent | Unique symbolic identifier of the parent category |
seo_url | CNC |
product_count | Number of products in category |
sort_order | Sort order |
description_short | The description is short |
description_full | The description is complete |
meta_title | SEO meta title |
meta_description | SEO meta description |
meta_keyword | SEO meta keywords |
seo_h1 | Text for the h1 tag |
name_full | List of all categories that include this category |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
left_key | Left key |
right_key | The right key |
level | Nesting level |
id_path | Listing category IDs |
id_path_uuid | Enumeration of uuid categories |
seo_url | _full SEO with all categories |
category_id_jumper | Category ID in the Jumper database |
parent_id_jumper | The parent category ID in the Jumper database |
| Then there may be user-created fields |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
category_id | Category ID |
store_id | Store ID |
category_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the category |
store_uuid | Unique symbolic store identifier |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
product_id | Product ID |
language_id | Language ID |
category_id | Category ID |
manufacturer_id | Manufacturer ID |
sku | Internal article |
price | Price |
price_rrp | RRC |
quantity | Quantity |
model | Model |
upc | Barcode |
ean | Barcode |
Jan | Barcode |
isbn | Barcode |
mpn | Manufacturer's SKU |
stock_location | Location in the warehouse |
points | Number of points |
date_available | Availability date |
warranty | Warranty |
weight | Weight |
length | Length |
width | Width |
height | Height |
subtract_quantity | Flag - deduct from the warehouse when ordering goods |
order_minimum | Minimum order quantity |
sort_order | Sort order |
status | Activity |
viewed | Number of views |
price_old | The old price |
delivery_cost | Shipping cost |
contractor_id | Counterparty ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier |
category_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the category |
manufacturer_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the manufacturer |
sku_supply | Article of the contractor (supplier) |
seo_url | CNC |
ext_url | External link to the product |
product_id | _ext Product ID on the external site |
name | Product name |
description_short | The description is short |
description_full | The description is complete |
meta_description | SEO meta description |
meta_keyword | SEO meta keywords |
meta_title | SEO meta title |
seo_h1 | Text for the h1 tag |
tag | List of tags |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
flag_archive | The flag is an archival product |
flag_xml_export | Flag - unload on the trading floor |
flag_popular | The flag is a popular product |
flag_best_deal | Flag is the best buy |
flag_fix_price | Flag - fixed price |
stock_status_id | Availability status ID |
stock_status_name | Availability status name |
stock_status_image | Availability status picture |
stock_status_color | Availability status color |
manufacturer_name | Manufacturer's name |
contractor_name | Name of the counterparty |
profit_value | Profit, value |
profit_persent | Profit, interest |
price_cost | Price cost |
flag_new_product | Flag - new product (novelty) |
type_id | Product type, 1 - regular product, 2 - option product. |
uuid_parent | Unique symbolic identifier of the parent product |
id_parent | Unique numerical identifier of the parent product |
measure_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the unit of measurement |
product_id_jumper | Product ID in the Jumper database |
| Then there may be user-created fields |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
product_id | Product ID |
store_id | Store ID |
product_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the goods |
store_uuid | Unique symbolic store identifier |
quantity | Quantity |
price | Price |
price_rrp | RRC |
price_cost | Price cost |
stock_status_name | Availability status |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
product_id | Product ID |
warehouse_id | Warehouse ID |
product_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the goods |
warehouse_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of a warehouse |
quantity | Quantity |
price | Price |
stock_status_name | Availability status |
Field name | Description |
product_id | Product ID |
category_id | Category ID |
product_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the goods |
category_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the category |
sort_order | Sort order |
is_main | The flag is the main category |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
manufacturer_id | Manufacturer ID |
language_id | Language ID |
name | Manufacturer's name |
image | Logo |
url | Link to the manufacturer's website |
seo_url | SEO link |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier |
description_short | The description is short |
description_full | The description is complete |
meta_title | SEO meta title |
meta_description | SEO meta description |
meta_keyword | SEO meta keywords |
seo_h1 | Text for the h1 tag |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
address | Address |
address_service | Address of service centers |
tag | List of tags |
| Then there may be user-created fields |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
manufacturer_id | Manufacturer ID |
store_id | Store ID |
manufacturer_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the manufacturer |
store_uuid | Unique symbolic store identifier |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
attribute_block_id | Attribute block ID |
language_id | Language ID |
name | Attribute block name |
description | Attribute block description |
sort_order | Sort order |
image | Picture |
uuid | Unique character attribute block identifier |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
code | Attribute Block (CNC) Code |
status | Activity |
flag_exported | Flag - the fact of uploading data to the site |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
row_exist | _option Flag - an entry about the option found in the site database |
attribute_id | Product attribute ID |
attribute_block_id | Attribute block ID |
language_id | Language ID |
option_id | Option ID |
name | Attribute name |
description | Attribute description |
sort_order | Sort order |
image | Attribute image |
required | Flag - required |
type_code | Attribute type |
type_code_filter | Attribute type for the filter |
block_uuid | Unique character attribute block identifier |
uuid | Unique symbolic attribute identifier |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
code | Attribute Code (CNC) |
show_on_page | Flag - show on the page |
status | Activity |
attribute_uuid_parent | Unique symbolic identifier of the parent attribute |
attribute_main | The flag is the main attribute |
flag_option | Flag - cargo option |
flag_expand | Flag - list of values opened (for filter) |
filter_max_attribute | (for filter) |
filter_max_attribute_value | (for filter) |
group_by_value | Flag - group by values (for filter) |
flag_exported | Flag - the fact of uploading data to the site |
postfix | Additional text |
flag_multiline | Flag - multiline values |
type_code_site | The type of attribute obtained from the site |
Field name | Description |
category_id | Category ID |
attribute_id | Attribute ID |
category_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the category |
attribute_uuid | Unique symbolic attribute identifier |
sort_order | Sort order |
filter Flag | Use for filter |
flag_global | For all categories |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
filter_max_attribute | (for filter) |
filter_max_attribute_value | (for filter) |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
product_id | Product ID |
id_parent | Parent Attribute ID |
attribute_id | Product attribute ID |
attribute_block_id | Attribute block ID |
language_id | Language ID |
option_id | Option ID |
attribute_main | The flag is the main attribute |
type_code | Attribute type |
attribute_value | Attribute value |
product_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the goods |
uuid_parent | Unique symbolic identifier of the parent attribute |
attribute_uuid | Unique symbolic attribute identifier |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
flag_option | Flag - cargo option |
required | Flag - required |
attribute_value_id | Attribute value ID |
value_crc32 | Attribute CRC checksum |
flag_exported | Flag - the fact of uploading data to the site |
sort_order | Sort order |
attribute_color | Attribute color |
measure_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the unit of measurement |
attribute_block_uuid | Unique character attribute block identifier |
stock_status_id_main | Availability status of the goods |
stock_status_id | Availability status from option |
quantity | Quantity |
price | Price |
price_prefix | Price addition type (= - +) when selecting an option |
points_prefix | Type of adding points (= - +) when selecting an option |
weight_prefix | The type of weight gain (= - +) when selecting an option |
points | Points |
weight | Weight |
subtract | Flag - deduct from warehouse when ordering |
sku | Article options |
row_uuid | Unique symbolic record identifier |
| Then there may be user-created fields |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
attribute_value_id | The value ID for the attribute |
attribute_id | Product attribute ID |
language_id | Language ID |
attribute_uuid | Unique symbolic attribute identifier |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
sort_order | Sort order |
code | Attribute Code (CNC) |
attribute_value | The meaning of the attribute |
postfix | Additional text |
description | Description of the meaning |
value_crc32 | CRC checksum value |
measure_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the unit of measurement |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
row_type | Record type (category, product) |
item_id | Item ID (Category ID, Product ID) |
image | Directory file name |
image_cloud_url | Link to the photo |
image_original | Link to the photo received from the site |
image_site_path | Storage path on the site |
image_path | Storage path |
image_file_name | File name |
image_path_original | Site storage path (obtained from the site) |
image_file_name_original | File name obtained from the site |
saved_path | The way to save |
saved_file_name | File name to save |
sort_order | Sort order |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the photo |
item_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of an element (category, product) |
downloaded | Flag - photo uploaded to the site |
flag_from_site | Flag - photo received from the site |
Field name | Description |
row_type | Record type (category, product) |
item_id | Item ID (Category ID, Product ID) |
alt | Text for the alt tag |
title | Text for the title tag |
product_image_id | Photo ID |
item_uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of an element (category, product) |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
product_id | Product ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the goods |
video_id | Video link ID |
url | Video link |
Field name | Description |
row_exist | Flag - an entry found in the site database |
article_id | Article ID |
parent_id | Parent category (section) ID |
uuid | Unique symbolic identifier of the article |
uuid_parent | Unique symbolic identifier of the parent category (section) |
is_category | Flag is a category (section) |
status | Activity |
sort_order | Sort order |
product_id | Product ID (product reference) |
language_uuid | Unique symbolic language identifier |
description | Note |
seo_url | CNC |
flag_comment | Flag - comment |
name | The title of the article |
description_short | The description is short |
description_full | The text of the article |
meta_title | SEO meta title |
meta_keyword | SEO meta keywords |
meta_description | SEO meta description |
seo_h1 | Text for the h1 tag |
tag | List of tags |
How to get a numeric category ID for products that is stored in the Jumper database
SELECT t2. category_id_jumper, t2. parent_id_jumper, t1. product_id_jumper
FROM etrade_product_temp t1
INNER JOIN etrade_category_temp t2 ON t1. category_uuid = t2. uuid
Read also: Import products on Opencart
Automation of online stores
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