In the digital age, having an online presence has become vital for any business looking to grow and prosper. Elbuz is an expert company specializing in developing effective online stores that help entrepreneurs reach new heights in online sales.
The client, the Perfelli household appliances store (, works in the field of selling household appliances and accessories in Ukraine. The company offers a wide range of products, including electric stoves, kitchen hoods, hobs, ovens, microwave ovens, kitchen sinks and much more.
The main goal of Perfelli was to expand its presence in the online environment in order to attract more customers, increase sales and provide a convenient shopping experience for their clients. The company aimed to create a modern, functional and attractive online store that could meet the growing demand for online shopping.
Before partnering with Elbuz, the client faced the following problems and challenges:
Elbuz, in close collaboration with partners from OCTemplates, developed a completely customized solution for the client, backed by the powerful Opencart content management system and the attractive, functional ShowCase template.
🔑 Modern and attractive design, optimized for conversions 🔑 Full integration with the Opencart platform for order and product management 🔑 High performance and fast page loading 🔑 Easy navigation and search to improve user experience 🔑 Integration with popular payment systems and delivery services 🔑 Full adaptability for mobile devices and tablets
After launching an online store developed by Elbuz, the client achieved significant success in online sales:
📈 Increased website traffic and improved conversions 📈 Increased online sales and expanded customer base 📈 Positive customer reviews on the ease of use of the online store
"We are incredibly pleased to work with Elbuz. Their team has done an outstanding job creating for us an online store that not only meets modern standards , but also helped us significantly increase our online sales. We highly appreciate their professionalism and attention to detail." - Client "Perfelli"
The Elbuz team invites other companies to join the growing number of successful clients and benefit from their expertise in developing online stores With deep knowledge and experience, a personalized approach and the use of advanced technologies, Elbuz is ready to help your business reach new heights. heights in online sales
If you are interested in creating a modern, functional and highly effective online store, contact Elbuz to discuss your needs and capabilities. The Elbuz team looks forward to helping your business succeed in the online environment.
Elbuz and their partners at OCTemplates have demonstrated their capabilities by creating an outstanding online store for client "Perfelli". ". With this successful project, Elbuz has reaffirmed its commitment to helping entrepreneurs achieve their e-commerce goals.
Use the best tool to create an online store at no extra cost and leave your competitors behind!
Development of an online store creating an online store with Elbuz and ShowCase
© 2024 Elbuz. All rights reserved.
Сергей Ковальчук
Я был приятно удивлен удобным интерфейсом и простой навигацией сайта Нашел нужный товар буквально за пару минут благодаря хорошо продуманной структуре каталога и возможности быстрого поиска.
Оксана Мельник
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Андрей Коваленко
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Виктория Степаненко
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Дмитрий Ткаченко
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Елена Бондаренко
Обратила внимание на удобные дополнительные функции на сайте, такие как список желаний и сравнение товаров. Теперь не нужно запоминать десятки моделей, можно сразу сравнить между собой те, что понравились.
Евгений Кравченко
Был приятно удивлен современным дизайном и привлекательным оформлением сайта Все элементы расположены очень логично, приятные цвета, все смотрится свежо и стильно. Такой сайт создает доверие к компании.
Алина Лавренко
Поразило быстрое и внимательное обслуживание службы поддержки на На мой вопрос ответили буквально через несколько минут, все подробно объяснили. Очень ценю такой качественный сервис.
Иван Петренко
Уделено большое внимание безопасности на сайте При оформлении заказа вижу защищенное соединение, предлагают только проверенные платежные системы. Покупать здесь совершенно спокойно.
Анастасия Савченко
Благодаря большому выбору товаров и удобным фильтрам на сайте я смогла легко подобрать идеальную для меня бытовую технику. Осталась исключительно довольна возможностями интернет-магазина и непременно порекомендую его друзьям.